Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nothing but t.v. and music

I loved sitting in my car seat of my dads 1989 Nissan Maxima when he would pick me and my little brother up from day care. At a young age I was able to retain great amounts of lyrics from any song, weither it was from radio jingles or the top songs in 90's I could sing the words verbatim after only listening to it once or twice. The number one song for my to sing in the car was Get Over It by The Eagles, it would just make the car ride home from day care so much more exciting.

One day I come home after just spending the last 7 minutes singing the same song and my mom tells me she had a fun suprise. It was a live preformance of the Eagles playing Get over it! This was the best thing since i was able to take a spoon full of peanut butter and hang out on the grass looking at the pretty women in the magizines.

After that point I was stuck in a strictly visual way of learning. Nothing interested me unless i could see it unfold in front of my eyes. Every Sunday my dad would get the news paper and I would automaticaly go for the comics because the were only colored on Sundays. I loved going to the movie theaters also, I must have seen The Lion King 9 times in theaters alone. But tragically nothing could make me read a book. I was just absolutely unintersted in them. From elementry to the day I graduated high school i wouldnt pick up a book unless i had to and even then i wouldnt finish it and id just do the quick internet version of cliff notes.

Now as a 21 year old communications major I have a new love for books and i have spent less time watching tv or surfing the web and more time reading recomended books and reading the news paper or watch the news to see whats going on in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I like your vivid memories from day care. Power of the media?
